Bookseller Catalogs

Revolutionary War related books

Revolutionary War related books 88 books relating to the Revolutionary War with detailed descriptions and images. If you would like more images, please let us know.

How to request a print version: We can print out a paper catalogue in 8.5 x 11 inches size, and mail to you, should you so desire. email us at pia (at sign) randallhouserarebooks (dot) com or phone us at 805-963-1909

Catalogue 80: Recently Acquired Books, Manuscripts & Ephemera

By The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.

Catalogue 80: Recently Acquired Books, Manuscripts & Ephemera This catalogue offers 145 items acquired since January 2015. Highlights include a notable commentary on books of the Digest printed in 1514 with endleaves derived from a 1498 papal bull and a contemporary chained binding, a collection of statutes that includes the first printing of the English Bill of Rights, signed first editions of books by Benjamin Cardozo, Felix Frankfurter and Learned Hand and Montiel y Duarte’s Estudio Sobre Garantia Individuales, an important Mexican treatise on civil rights.


By Bolerium Books Inc.

Cambodia With an emphasis on war and the diaspora, including a selection of Chinese works in support of the Khmer Rouge


By Sanctuary Books

Travel Shown in random order, this catalogue of thirty-nine items includes books, photo albums, scrapbooks, manuscript travelogues, locations far-flung and little (or much) traversed, exploration, and a rare portrait of Christopher Columbus.

How to request a print version: This catalogue is available as a free pdf download.

American History - Large Subject List

By Yesterday's Muse, Inc.

American History - Large Subject List Nearly 900 titles, divided into the following sub-categories: general Americana; American architecture; bibliography; civil rights & African American culture; colonial history; commerce; disasters; early exploration; biographies of famous Americans; the gold rush (California and Klondike); journalism; labor; language; literature; maps/atlases; military; missionaries; Mormonism; Native Americans; natural history; the Old West; pirates & piracy; political science; Quakers; state histories; U.S. presidents; Wall Street; whaling; women's studies; and the World's Fair.

How to request a print version: Printable PDF

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